Sunday, December 19, 2010

Conference Digest (c)

 1, American society was a misunderstanding of homosexuals from the following three aspects: first, that homosexuality is a threat to family values, that homosexuals refuse to family responsibilities, their characteristics are not consistent with gender stereotypes. American society emphasizes man with particular male, a woman with particular females, or is sexual deviancy. The second is that the decline of gay and fall on the city, and organized crime, prostitution, nightlife related to the image of homosexuality have a negative impact. Third, the government considered dangerous to Gay , can not be civil servants. Since most homosexuals hide their sexual identity, so vulnerable to extortion. these misunderstandings have been changing in recent decades, because from the 1960s to the 1990s, discriminatory policies against homosexuality gradually cancellation, a gay community led the city economic revitalization, improving housing conditions and consumption growth, same-sex marriage and domestic partnerships of progress has changed the traditional view of homosexuality threaten the family.
2, U.S. nuclear family through the rise and decline process. nuclear family is a pair of single parents and unmarried children living in family forms, is due to the desire of men and women with families and free form. In the process of industrialization as the dominant family form, usually men outside the women inside. the last 30 years, gradually become more diverse family forms, mainly from the obligation to select the main transition; mainly from a shift of economic and political considerations to take into account the main emotion. change is mainly due to the employment of women in general, divorce rate, reduce child of the family in general contraception and reproductive development of new technologies. These factors make it is no longer the main breed, sex outside of marriage took place in a large number.
3, homosexuals claim for same-sex marriage: The family is our choice . Since 2001, five countries have ratified the same-sex marriage, they are the Netherlands, Belgium, Canada, Spain and South Africa, the United States, only Massachusetts has same-sex marriage.
4, Western countries are forming gay baby boom, the main pregnancy through sperm banks, adoption and have children by other means belly. there are two contradictory phenomenon: the decline in the stability of heterosexual marriage, while the increase in same-sex marriage requirement; the overall decline in fertility, rather than an increase in marriage raising children.
5 for homosexuals in China, the family is the most difficult hurdle, the parents of gay children to accept a low level. In the West does not close parent-child relationship, but a close parent-child relationship in China. Chinese parents generally do not think that homosexuality is wrong , but one not quite understand, and second, no one worried about continuing the family line, the three children to the elderly are worried that no one care.
6, why the same-sex marriage so important: first, gender equality in family relations and the traditional patriarchal family ties Compared to same-sex marriage is even more reasonable, the past is the men outside of marriage women inside, married women lost many of their rights, now is the equality of the sexes, the family division of labor through negotiation, more and more alike with the same-sex marriage. The second , freedom of marriage is an important civil rights. In the 1860s, beginning the liberation of American slaves to freedom is to seek the right mate; in the 1960s, Blacks and Whites to secure the rights of free inter-racial marriage is a manifestation of the civil rights . Third, in the United States, a large number of benefits are implemented through the institution of marriage, so same-sex couples should be fighting for the right to marry.
7, China and the U.S. than in any country is easier for same-sex marriage?
First, the power of religion against same-sex marriage, the United States, China, no.
Second, the national attitude toward homosexuality: China is a country out of control on homosexuality, certainly the United States is a national gay.
third, same-sex marriage will increase the visibility of gay community: United States coming out of different views on homosexuality.
Fourth, the decline of the modern nuclear family: the nuclear family and challenges the United States, China does not.
Fifth, the speed of cultural change: the United States change slow, dramatic changes in China. American influence is the cultural conservatism.
Sixth, same-sex marriage is conducive to social stability: more concerned about the stability of China, the United States is not concerned.
8, the national implementation of policies in favor of gay countries is beneficial to make society more harmonious.
9, gay parenting that increased social acceptance, it will eliminate negative stereotypes of homosexuality, eliminating homosexuals are selfish, irresponsible, only the pursuit of sexual pleasure bad impression. prove that homosexuals are responsible people.
10, Chengdu gay members of the group put forward a slogan: Building Chengdu into the most suitable for urban gay life.
11, one participant pointed out: no Why must strive to understand gay marriage rights, the emergence of the institution of marriage is to regulate human reproductive behavior, in order to property inheritance. Since the gay sexual activities only, why get married? Many participants argued that: precisely because homosexuality is not only and sexual activity, but also with the relationship between two people related to gay marriage was needed. Many homosexuals not only marriage, but also raising children, so they requested that the realization of their right to marry.

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